Mobile saw milling
The mobile saw milling service provides woodland owners and managers with a low
impact, on-site timber conversion system. No need to transport timber away from the
wood in which it grew – we bring the mill to the tree.
So, whether the tree has potential as high grade furniture timber, structural building
grade timber or as fencing or cladding, milling it on site will provide a valuable end
product that reflects the qualities of the tree itself.
Our Wood Mizer LT40 is capable of milling timber up to 3ft (90cm) diameter and 28 ft
(8.6m) in length and is equipped with a hydraulic loader which lifts the log onto the
saw bed.
Combining horse drawn timber extraction with mobile saw milling, can provide a truly
low impact, high output method of on-site timber utilisation.
Benefits of on-site timber
Add value to felled produce
Convert material for use on site. Reduces the cost of buying in raw materials for estate maintenance.
Convert material into sawn timber for resale.
Can provide a wide range of sawn timber products. (gate posts and flooring tofeather edged board, cladding, shingles and furniture grade timber).
Allows for selective felling of specific timber trees for conversion.
Allows for the conversion of ‘character’ timber.
Reduced transport costs and a reduction in use of fossil fuels.
Adding value to felled produce, can provide a positive contribution to overall woodland management expenditure.
Utilises locally grown timber.
‘Feel good factor’ of knowing the provenance of your timber product.
Encourages the sustainable use of home grown timber.
Low carbon alternative.
Working to
enhance and
sustain the wise
use of woodlands
and timber